What is Social Media Marketing?

SMM ( Social Media Marketing ) is the process of creating content suitable for communication channels to promote brands, services/products to users to increase traffic and drive revenue.

Why was my order canceled?

Your orders will be canceled for one of the following reasons: 1. Placing two or more orders for the same link at the same time without waiting for completion. 2. The link format is incorrect or does not follow the instructions provided in the service description. 3. The service is currently being updated or under service. 4. In some cases, the quantity was not in increments of 100's or 1000's.

Is it possible for the quantity ordered to decrease?

A drop is normal, that is why most services offer a refill guarantee. A drop can depend on many factors such as an update made by the social media platform, or on the quality of service chosen. Always make sure to read the service descriptions carefully to ensure you are making the correct order for your needs.

How many tickets can I open?

You must open only one ticket for all your orders so we can help you better. After the request has been submitted or the issue has been solved, the ticket will be closed. Only then should you open a new ticket for new orders. The maximum limit for pending tickets is 3. A response must be made by the support team to be able to open a new ticket.

Why is my order not completed yet?

Check the status of your order from the orders tab in your user dashboard before opening a ticket.To know the speed of the orders please refer to the service description. In the rare event that the status of your order has become complete but the service was not delivered, please open a ticket and tell us so to check the order for you.

How can I send a screenshot to you?

You can send us a screenshot using this website :

Is my account at risk?

We record and observe the effect of orders placed through our panel on social media accounts moment by moment. We want you to know that since our panel was put into practice, we have not observed any risk in the accounts unless there is abuse by our users. However, we would like you to know that our panel does not take any responsibility for any problems that may occur.

How do I load balance?

After successfully completing the registration process through our panel, click on the “Add Balance” icon from the left menu if you are logging in with a desktop computer, if you are logging in with a mobile click on the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says “Add Balance”. From this page, you can pay with PayTR 24/7 without commission. Your card information is not in any way in the infrastructure of our panel. Payments you make with PayTR are protected by the 3D secure system.

How can I order?

If you are logging in with a desktop computer, click on the "Order" icon from the menu on the left, if you are logging in with a mobile computer, click the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says "New Order". All services belonging to our panel can be found in the "Categories" section of the page that opens. Select the category you want to order from this menu. Then select the service you want to order from the "Service" menu. The price written in the service you have chosen is the price of 1000 pieces. After making sure that you have read the "Service Description" section in detail, write the link type specified in the description where it says "Link". Then, write an amount between the maximum or minimum values. you can give from that service in the amount section. After completing these operations, click the "Place Order" button. Your order will be completed within the time specified in the description section.

Why was my refill request rejected?

A refill can be rejected for a variety of reasons such as: 1. The order has dropped below the start count of the original order, in this case the number must be brought up organically or through a new quick service order so that the system can refill the original order. 2. The refill period outlined in the description of the order has now ended. 3. The service does not offer refill. 4.A new order has been made for the same link and there is overlap. If none of these reasons apply to you, please open a ticket with the support team for further assistance or clarification.